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We all know that Rome wasn‘t built in a day. The same can be said when it comes to building a transfer pricing control framework. We are now a few years post-BEPS, and your MNE has probably gone through all the available major transfer pricing designs, implemented a global policy and you are more or less compliant with the mandatory three-tiered documentation levels. This is the period when all of your hard transfer pricing work is transitioning to a routine workstream called transfer pricing compliance. But how are you coping? You (or your CFO) may have approved spending a small fortune on tax advisors in past years, to assist you in becoming BEPS compliant, but that budget is now gone.

With so much to do in order to take your transfer pricing control framework to the next level, it can be hard even to know where to begin.

That‘s why TaxModel is hosting a new webinar, TPframework under control! It will take place at 3 PM (CET) on Thursday, April 15.

In this webinar, our CEO and founder, Hank Moonen, will discuss the best practices for processes, people, and technologies that could help your company to build a solid transfer pricing control framework.

Are you tired of all the red flags from your auditors and advisors? Register now, to discover how you can actually cope with your transfer pricing control framework:

Part 1 (25 min): Operational transfer pricing (management of transfer prices in your operational systems)

  • We will explain the evolution of benchmark practices and showcase the 9-step benchmark analysis
  • We will discuss the transfer pricing setting, checking and adjustment process, including a split P&L analysis, as well as levels of integration with ERP and VAT considerations
  • We will discuss insourcing and outsourcing 

Part 2 (25 min): Transfer pricing reporting (management of transfer pricing reports)

  • We will showcase how to transition local files and Masterfiles from a Word environment to a technology environment, and explain why this is necessary
  • We will showcase a future in which the world will report local files and Masterfiles to the local tax authorities (in the same way as country-by-country reporting and DAC6)
  • We will discuss insourcing

Part 3 (10 min): Q&A

Part 4: The unique TaxModel technology package offer for your Transfer Pricing Control Framework

Get to know in our webinar how TPnext can service you with maintaining your documentation and benchmarking activities. Or learn how you could perform these activities yourself, using our solutions: TPdoc, TPbenchmark & TPcbc.