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TaxModel International picks up ISO 27001 certification

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The Netherlands, ‘s-Hertogenbosch – August 30, 2019


TaxModel International, the technology company specialized in standardizing tax workflows, is proud and excited to announce that it has received the ISO 27001:2017 certification from TÃœV Nederland. To hold this qualification as one of the first tax technology companies worldwide is a significant achievement for TaxModel, which develops software solutions for tax professionals by tax professionals.


Information security has broad implications for company operations and interactions with customers. Internal data and data submitted by customers and suppliers must be handled securely. Apart from internal benefits, TaxModel needed the ISO 27001 certification to qualify for licensing our software to large audit firms. Rationale is that our software, for example TaxBenchmark and TPdoc, consists the handling of sensitive data. Such considerations, as well as the avoidance of costs associated with compromised data, made the ISO 27001 certification beneficial to TaxModel.

“Our clients trust us and our products to process and store their most valuable data. We are therefor, committed to the highest levels of security. In achieving the ISO 27001:2017 certification we are proud to have demonstrated that as a company we have all the necessary controls in place to ensure that this strict standard is met by our people, processes and technology,” said Hank Moonen, founder and CEO of TaxModel.

ISO 27001:2017 recognizes TaxModel‘s dedication to identify, control, and eliminate security risks, ultimately certifying the security practices adopted. The standard encompasses the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an information security management system (ISMS) within the company.


“Helping our clients create and meet the quality and security controls that ultimately set them on their way to regulatory compliance with our solutions is our aim. It really was a no-brainer for TaxModel to implement an ISMS. Making sure everybody is on board, we push ourselves for a higher level of security, stability and integrity of our solutions and the services we provide on a daily basis. It reflects TaxModel‘s approach to technology and compliance.”

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