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TaxModel re-signed the covenant for Partners in Education with Fontys

Reading time: 2 minutes | February 13, 2020 | by Gerwin Dekkers

Over the past four years, we have a collaboration with Fontys University of Applied Sciences, School for ICT students. We help multiple young professions to grow and kickstart their careers. By combining innovative ideas with already existing experiences, the students come to new products that solve the pains and problems of our users. This Monday, we re-signed the covenant for the next four years as an official Partner of Education.


For Fontys, the growth of the student to a professional for the job market is central. Besides offering high-quality education, it is of the utmost importance a student becomes intensely acquainted with the world of business during their education. That is why FHICT for years now has been working with the professional field of education. These are long-lasting relations in which FHICT introduces businesses to their future employees. The companies show to the students what it is like in the professional field.


We have the opportunity to help young professionals at the start of their careers and sharing our DNA with them. Working with these young professionals also stimulates the research of new techniques and ideas. The students get a lot of freedom within their assignments while being able to discuss any ideas they have to conclude their respective projects.


A good example is our colleague Sander (currently Manager IT at TaxModel). After his internship, we received an invitation to join the Partner in Education program because the school mentor was very happy with the things he learned during the internship. Since then, TaxModel has facilitated the internships of seven interns and nine graduation internships.



We‘re happy to help young, motivated students in their professional careers. We are open to collab with universities -mostly in the Netherlands- and offer students the opportunity to do their (graduation) internship in one of our teams. Besides, we support students during their minor.


Are you motivated and eager to learn as much as possible while being part of an ever-growing team in ‘s-Hertogenbosch? Connect with us and send us your application at [email protected].