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New to DAC6pro?

The solution is 100% based on what authorities require from you as a reporting taxpayer or intermediary. If you are curious to know what authorities expect from you, we dare you to look at the XML scheme published by the Dutch tax authority. Only the German, Finnish, and Dutch authorities published their technical reporting guidelines. 

When do we enrich DAC6pro with new reporting requirements?

Through comparing the German XML scheme with the Dutch XML scheme, we’ve seen minor differences. However, the Finnish authority requires an entirely different format; more specifically, they only accept CSV files. 

Any time new technical guidelines will become available, we will enrich the current reporting module in DAC6pro. We promise to do so within five working days. Once the disclosing country to report is selected, the system will automatically export the arrangement in the required format once you’ve concluded you must report it.

Considering using third party software like DAC6pro for your DAC6 compliance strategy?

You should, because it will be hard for intermediaries and taxpayers to be in control of all the different reporting requirements. If it helps, we can welcome you through offering a 7-day free trial. Want to know more? Check the features, our pricing, or schedule a meeting. 

Join the LIVE DAC6pro Webinar

Are you trying to figure out how you will meet the new mandatory disclosure rules? Becoming DAC6 compliant doesn‘t need to be a headache. Discover DAC6pro; it is intuitive, simple, and brings you as fast as possible to DAC6 compliance. 

During our live event, hosted by Lars Brink and Seth Geurtsen, we will demonstrate how DAC6pro solves the challenges intermediaries and taxpayers are facing when complying with DAC6. Click here to read more or save your seat via the contact form below: