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TPframework: a holistic view on transfer pricing

Reading time: 2 minutes | October 24, 2019 | by Eleonore Saija

Starting our journey in software development we are now steadily transitioning into a SaaS company. Hereby introducing Tax Software as a Service to tax advisory business.


As a team of designers, developers and tax professionals, we at TaxModel believe in a holistic approach. We consider customer research, and understanding market demands thru the lens of OECD guidelines as part of our business model. We fully understand that staying on top of the business and the impact of increasing regulations can be challenging for you and the tax profession as a whole.


This notion is precisely why we combine technology with extensive in-house tax advisory knowledge and expertise to help you deal with increasing tax complexities after BEPS. As such, we are in the business of making tax workflows -like the transfer pricing process- transparent, and therefore accessible and manageable. Whether you‘re an intermediary, working for a Big 4 or responsible for your multinationals tax strategy planning: we design our products with you in mind.


Great alone, even better together

Taking you as our starting point, we‘ve created TaxModel‘s TPframework.


In short: TPframework consists of TaxModel‘s transfer pricing software solutions. Each specifically designed to ease your pains when dealing with the transfer pricing process. With a proven TPbenchmark (start-to-end solution for benchmarks), TPdoc (for building and updating Master files and Local files), TPcbc (Country-by-Country reporting solution), TPworkflow (workflow manager / calendar solution) and TPquestionnaire (on-line transfer pricing questionnaire) following in suit, TPframework encompasses the rationale of how you as a TP professional can benefit most from our products. Empowering you to deliver on your transfer pricing process where it counts the most: compliance, time and cost-efficiency.


All in all, TPframework is the embodiment of one transfer pricing software solution working perfectly on its own, whilst benefitting you even better when using the whole package of TaxModel TP products together.