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We are thrilled to announce a significant update to the TPbenchmark tool. This new release introduces a dynamic feature that enables users to select multiple team members as either ‘Preparer’ or ‘Reviewer’ for the same benchmark.

The ability to have multiple preparers and reviewers for the same benchmark allows for a more distributed and efficient workflow. It ensures that benchmarks are thoroughly prepared and reviewed, leveraging the expertise of various team members.

To enable this feature, you can create new benchmarks or edit old benchmarks and select multiple names in the dropdowns of both the preparer and reviewer.

In addition to assigning multiple team members to specific roles, users can now assign the same individual as both ‘Preparer’ and ‘Reviewer’. When this occurs, the user interface will default to the ‘Preparer’ view to streamline the workflow.

We value your input and are eager to hear about your experience with this new feature. For feedback, questions, or support, please reach out to our customer service team by sending your questions to the helpdesk, located in the menu in the top right corner.