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New partnership for developing the TaxModel MDR tool

Reading time: 3 minutes | February 10, 2020 | by Violet Kampers

Our in-house tech team develops high-quality software tools to make the work of tax professionals easier and more effective. To build our newest MDR tool, we started a new partnership with a company from Serbia. To make sure this team would deliver the high quality that we require, and is able to reach our high criteria in code, we visited them a few weeks ago.


Our Functional Manager Violet Kampers explains the new collaboration and describes her experiences from the trip to Serbia:


Meet the team in Serbia

“Building the MDR tool has finally started. In the past four months, our Marketing, Design-, Tax, and Tech team have been working hard to make this new project happen. Last Thursday, our CEO, Hank Moonen, and I hosted the first MDR webinar, in which we guided you through the happy path of our MDR tool. 


“Three weeks before the webinar, a colleague and I went to Serbia to meet a potential software team. As a start-up company, we’re working on multiple projects at the same time. We are continually optimizing our Transfer Pricing and Tax Reporting solutions. So, because we are a bit flooded in work, we choose to find some help in developing the MDR tool outside our company. Before we started the collaboration, we wanted to meet and test the team in Serbia to make sure they could deliver the quality that we require.”


During the trip

“During our trip to Serbia, there was time to meet the developers and the company behind the developers. The board director of the Serbian company, and the CCO of the dutch company, were able to create some space in their tight schedules. So we could meet each other and strengthen the relationship between the companies.”


“We challenged the developers with some exercises on technical knowledge and skills. After the meeting, we took the chance to start introducing the MDR tool. We wanted to make sure they understand the goals we and, especially, our clients want to achieve with the tool. This ensures that the developers build the tool perfectly. Using the same Agile Scrum methodology as we do at our office, also helps us to ensure the quality and implementation is done as smoothly as possible.”


“Right now, we are developing the actual tool. Want to know what’s in the tool and what it will look like? On February 19, we host our second MDR webinar. We will guide you through the visual designs and answering all your questions during a live Q&A. Save your seat at”


Violet Kampers, Functional Manager of our MDR tool.


More info about our MDR solution? Check: or schedule a discovery call with one of our specialists via [email protected].