What is Pillar Two?
OECD BEPS Pillar Two aims to create an international tax system that is fit for purpose in a globalised and digitalised economy – one that is transparent, coherent, and helps address tax avoidance.
The Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) Rules are key to achieving this:
Pillar Two specific software can help save costs, reduce risk, and increase control, whilst ensuring compliance.
Calculate and comply with confidence
Correctly calculate any top-up tax due, ensuring compliance with all core calculations in accordance with OECD model rules and references reducing the risk of penalties.
Ensure effortless collaboration regardless of location
Harness technology to assist in modern working patterns and multinational locations. Work with advisors (co-sourcing) and colleagues through a single interface, using the same data, with access depending on assigned roles. Software can support you during planning, set-up, dry-run analysis, and filing phases.
Check if QDMTT, IIR, or UTPR are in force
A jurisdiction implementation tracker that is kept up to date is essential. It makes it easy for you to know which rules are in place and where, avoiding the risk of missing a change.
GIR production and standard local returns
Automation of GIR production and supporting standard returns ready for filing can not only save time but can avoid errors.
Make use of tax technology experts
Leave nothing to chance, adhering to continuously changing regulations can be challenging and confusing. Using a dedicated software gives you access to customer support and up-to-date Pillar Two tax technical content.
Rise to the challenge of OECD Pillar Two regulations with Pillar2
Unrivalled accuracy, clear control, and exceptional insights
Assures compliance with all core calculations as per OECD model rules and references.
Creating opportunities
Automation saves time, creating operational efficiencies so teams can focus on the value add.
GenAI powered tax data insights for better informed decisions.